my pen wishes it was so deep it could write 3-dimensional wholes on 2-d paper without taring
conceded is not the word because is comes so casually,
so rarely a light that grows in it's biggest obnoxious flavor
however, I come to write you this paper
this poem that is different
let me start
I come to bring you me
sweet by every sugar cane
delectable by every pie that grandma ever made
as good as her best meal she ever baked,
I bring you me
me, bitter by assumption and brown by accusation
this is my color
chocolate, brown, vanilla wafer, candy cane that sounds like the best girl I ever could remember
or to even utter her name by which I don't remember
she was awesome
I'm guessing in this forgettable way
and to continue
I forget
the parties, the invitations to get-together, that some how gather people I don't remember
I come to bring you this piece of me that is peace,
not managed or care free
free alone in one domesticated me
and to continue
my jokes are terrible
the sounds of my humor evokes laughter in the wrong way
did I mention that I am sometimes terrible
I bring the turmoil
turmoil so diabolical that it may cause you and I to split
one broken in patches, the other in neutral satisfaction
I bring you me, the bear, the bull, the idiot
I hope you are ready for an evening of fighting
superfluous in act but needed in desire
I hope we can find friendship in this new relationship that is this conversation on paper
this poem, carved from trees and surgically uprooted from the soil,
a pencil, rooted from that same tree
a message so close to the soil it's flowers are dream catches
can you see it?
can you feel it ?
do not judge this intangible seed to make up for the paper and pencil
I hope we can be friends
enough about me what about you?